LC:M SS16 | Day 1 | Teen Angst & 90s Jungle Trousers

LC:M SS16 | Day 1 | Teen Angst & 90s Jungle Trousers

One of the most prominent features of yesterday’s shows was the heat. London’s indecisive weather landscape often makes it hard to make the practically appropriate sartorial choice – add this to being herded into a basement at Victoria House and here is the formula...
LC:M | SS16 | Party People @ huntergather

LC:M | SS16 | Party People @ huntergather

The opening day of LC:M saw contemporary British label huntergather team up with iconic footwear brand G.H Bass to host an evening of drinks and music at an exclusive store takeover in Redchurch Street… L: Karlmond Tang (@karlmond), R: Chris Tang (@tangphotos)...

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