The opening day of LC:M saw contemporary British label huntergather team up with iconic footwear brand G.H Bass to host an evening of drinks and music at an exclusive store takeover in Redchurch Street…
L: Karlmond Tang (@karlmond), R: Chris Tang (@tangphotos)
L: Joe Finch (@goodguyjoefinch), R: Minen Fouladi (@minafouladi)
L: Daniella Chunchukova (@Dandinella, Bryan Morel PR), Far R: Rlitsa Dimitrova
Myles Pereira (Sane Communications)
David Bradshaw, designer. Barry Kamen (artist, @barrykamen)
L: Su Monaghan (Sane Communications) R: Ghad Yosev (Marketing Director, Bass)
Mun Wai (@MunWaiWong)
L: Grayson Klimek (creative writer and blogger, @milkandmerino) R: Tomas Azpiazv
Photography: Ella Sadika