Minimalism Is Dead, Long Live Powerful Patterns

Minimalism Is Dead, Long Live Powerful Patterns

Designer Helen Spencer pays tribute to our bold new interiors mood Patterns are power. Micro or macroscopic, global or local, they are the essence of nature, and the human brain is essentially a pattern-making machine. But patterns don’t just mean history; they...
How To Tell Your Story In Your Space

How To Tell Your Story In Your Space

Interior designer Helen Spencer believes that homes are the stage-sets for our lives Ski wallpaper by eve spencer Where there’s life, there’s a story. Storytelling is one of only a few truly universal human traits that transcend culture; it’s a fundamental...
Interiors Guru Helen Spencer Shares Her Inspirations

Interiors Guru Helen Spencer Shares Her Inspirations

In the first of a regular series for PHOENIX, Helen Spencer, our resident interiors guru and creative director of, gives us cause to pause. Eve Spencer Beet Veg. Image: Petra Dee Medley Over the door of my studio there’s a plaque that reads ‘‘here’s...

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