5 Of The Best… Foundations (It’s Making A Comeback)

5 Of The Best… Foundations (It’s Making A Comeback)

When was the last time you applied a proper faceful of slap? Thanks to the inexorable rise of BB, CC, DD and now EE creams (yes seriously; it stands for Extra Exfoliating, with offerings already on sale from Previse Skincare and Omorovicza), fancy tinted moisturiser...
The Lipsticks That Will Never Let You Down

The Lipsticks That Will Never Let You Down

Jessica Luper gives PHOENIX the lowdown on the best lipsticks to buy now… To lipstick or not to lipstick – to me, that’s never the question. The day hasn’t begun until a schmear of red or pink adorns my lips: I wear lip balm to bed and every...

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