Name: Joe Brotherton
Agency: MODELS 1
Age: 19
Hometown: Leeds

Likes: Shopping and choccolate

Dislikes: Feet, smelly food and bad manners

Best thing about being a model? It’s always fun, it keeps you on your feet and every shoot is completely different

Best piece of advice you’ve been given? Never become a diva, you can be easily replaced

What would you be if you weren’t a model? I study art at Manchester school of Art so ideally I would go into being a practicing artist if not an art teacher

Did you have a dream last night? If I did I don’t remember it..

What would your superpower be? Invincibility

What do you look for in a lover? Kind, funny and sensitive but obviously has to have the naughty edge too

What was your last tweet? Visiting the muffin man’ (with a photo of Drury Lane) @joebrotherton

– Photography: Jamie Stoker
– Make up: Fiona Barry
– Shot on location at Studio 63 Sun Studios

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