Name: Henry Shoebrook
Agency: Elite London
Age: 18
Hometown: Plymouth
Favorite place you’ve discovered in London? Covent Garden square
Three likes: Sun, surfing and New York
Three dislikes: Busy public transport, lack of manners and disorganisation
Best thing about being a model? Different shoots and working in such a variety of locations with different people
Best piece of advice you’ve been given? Work hard to achieve success
What would you be if you weren’t a model? Studying law at University
Did you have a dream last night? No, I struggle to remember usually..
What would your superpower be? To be able to fly, has to be
What do you look for in a lover? Honesty, and an immediate connection
What was your last tweet? Not sure – @Henry_Shoebrook
– Photography: Jamie Stoker
– Make up: Fiona Barry
– Shot on location at Studio 63 Sun Studios