Set in BFC’s spacious screening room adventurous duo Agi and Sam presented their highly anticipated SS14 collection for NEWGEN men, which resulted in a standing ovation and a stellar conclusion to day one of LC:M.
The whole collection seemed like a catwalk battle between the old and the new, playing with classic male garment conventions and spicing them up via the use of fabrics, colour, and texture. We were welcomed into the catwalk space by two very special front row guests, models dressed entirely in matching patterned suits wearing oversized owl mascot headpieces. A comical introduction to what then transpired as Agi and Sam’s most serious and elegant display so far.
The mainly collection was brought to life by sudden and isolated looks of bright oranges, baby blues, and eye-popping textured whites. Drawing inspiration from public transport, from the colourful patterned woven fabric of buses, to the dotty 3D surfaces of a train’s floor, these were are clearly visible and executed in the narrative to perfection. An ode to London mayor, the collection aptly named “Boris said we shouldn’t do it. But we did it anyway” gave us TFL chic realness.
The long pleated shorts were a highlight, whilst the rest of the collection consisted of relaxed sportswear attires in the form of and tailored masculine silhouettes. A beautiful turquoise blazer accompanied a lighter shade of the same colour was a highlight. In terms of accessories a holdall leather bag accentuated at its base by the duo’s familiar print was a winner.
Footwear came as the result of collaboration between the duo and Oliver Sweeney and is their first capsule shoe collection. They included patterned hi-tops, brogues, and trainers in leathers, nylon, and clear sole details. Agi and Sam are definitely the ones to watch, if this collection is anything to go by they are slowly redefining British men’s fashion into a much more exciting and risqué playground.
– Walter Ugarkovic